


“You Can Translate Everything But Poetry”. (Ezra Pound)


(Please, Click here to read the original)

I haven’t been destroyed, as I should have been –

It’s as if wind is holding me in its hands, and I haven’t been blown away

Perhaps I could have been useful to a widow’s daughter, but

Pathetically, I don’t constitute a decent dowery

I am telling stories to some kids, and suddenly they ask me,

“Why can’t I go to rescue the princess ?”

I don’t know what sort of devil it is who has got hold of me

That even amidst thousand problems I don’t perish

 My relationship has been built with you in such a way,

That wherever I go, I remain with you

O Ali! The sunlight of my thoughts has touched my hairs with silver

But beyond this, I have nothing of the gold of that sun which is setting


Written by: Muhammad Ali Khan


Translated by: Nicholas Robertson



 (Please, Click here to read the original)

Oh, last breath to come out of my body!

I know

That after a few moments, you too will be out

In the air


Here is a little request:

That the passage between the inside of the body and its door

Attempt to remain within the body

Because that attempt is the only lifeline

With which I am going on surviving


Written by: Muhammad Ali Khan


Translated by: Nicholas Robertson



(Please, Click here to read the original)

If you want to know what is the pain of the words,

Then ask me

And if you want to know what’s living without love,

Then ask me

Everbody can weep with wet eyes, but

if you want to know how to weep with dry eyes,

Then ask me

When evening falls and no one comes back to the house,

Then in that house, what is there that comes alight ?

Ask me

In the waves of light, the eyes become blind,

And then what eyes can see ?

Ask me


Written by: Muhammad Ali Khan

Translated by: Nicholas Robertson


Copyright © 1998 Muhammad Ali Khan. All Rights Reserved.